SCKOOL Homepage

Looking for top-tier university Korean language courses?

  1. We offer a native-language based, immersive approach, creating an effect most similar to living in Korea
  2. Teachers with 10 years of experience at top-tier universities in Seoul
  3. Practice speaking more than in offline classes, through voice recognition technology
  4. The Korean lectures created by the Learn Korean in Korean YouTube channel team (210K subscribers)

  5. Weekly 1-on-1 review with a native speaker*
주식회사 런코리안인코리안 Learn Korean in Korean Inc.
본점: 경남 창원시 성산구 용지로 94 505호
지점: 서울 마포 마포대로 144, 1409호
대표: 김태성 | 개인정보보호책임자: 김나영
사업자등록번호: 417-88-01883 | 통신판매업신고번호: 2022-창원성산-0762